Yep, The fabled "Western" is still open for business on the wrong side of the tracks. That is East of Las Vegas Blvd. on Fremont Street. A couple of blocks of this area has been gentrified with new neon displays, hipster clubs, and an upgrade for the historic "El Cortez" Casino and Resort. It has been dubbed "Fremont East" and really is quite enjoyable if you are seeking something a little different than the slickness of the Strip.
The Western is East of East Fremont. Just check out some of these reviews from Yelp, and you will get the idea.
You can also check out the Cheapo Vegas Review -
If the Western has their own website, I can't seem to find it. I remember at one point it was bought by Barrick gaming along with The Plaza, and The Vegas Club from Jackie Gaughan and was slated to undergo renovations. It doesn't look like that ever happened, or every will.
The Western is East of East Fremont. Just check out some of these reviews from Yelp, and you will get the idea.
You can also check out the Cheapo Vegas Review -
If the Western has their own website, I can't seem to find it. I remember at one point it was bought by Barrick gaming along with The Plaza, and The Vegas Club from Jackie Gaughan and was slated to undergo renovations. It doesn't look like that ever happened, or every will.
If you are brave, and want to experience the real seedy underbelly of Las Vegas, the Western is your destination.
Like most of it's patrons, it's past is a little murky. Wikipedia offers this information
It may very well be the poster child for Sawdust Joints, but it does have competition . . . I have a feeling I will have no lack of subject matter for this blog.
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